Guides you throughout the IV start

First Access Success in IV cannulation yields significant hospital savings and boosts staff efficiency. Using micro pressure technology, ANGIE’s disposable Introvein device clearly indicates needle positioning—whether inside or outside the vein, detecting perforations and needle movements. Ideal for vascular access

The Future of Vascular

Introvein offers precise guidance during the IV start combining accuracy, reliability, and cost-effectioncy

Getting Started is Easy

Wait for the sound bit

Pull the strip, penetrate in recommended location. Light and sound will emit instantly when you puncture the vein

Maintain the signal

If you pushed or pulled, a bit too much, you're out and indication stops. Then, lead the needle in the opposite direction

That's it!

Just pull the needle and dispose of it safely in a special disposable container

Anytime, Anywhere

  • Offers a compelling cost advantage & operational efficiency over other complicated solutions already in use
  • Unmatched in its ability to be used anytime, anywhere, without existing equivalents.
  • Indispensable in time-critical situations, e.g., ambulance services, where fast, reliable IV access can be life-saving — a strong driver for adoption with no equal in the field
  • Perfect for difficult IV access in difficult patient: Pediatrics, Seniors, ER, EMT
  • Integrates smoothly with standard IV catheters, elevating every nurse to expert level
  • Turns any nurse into a professional IV nurse